
What is a telegram app
What is a telegram app

what is a telegram app

Acts of terror committed by ISIS, for example, were exalted by extremists as the most meritorious acts individuals could commit to advance the cause of Islam. Propaganda by the deed is an old tactic dating to anarchists in late 19 th century Europe that glorifies specific actions. Among the most harmful types of such communication is what’s known as “propaganda by the deed” or “propaganda of the deed.” Both Islamic and far-right extremists have used Telegram channels to disseminate propaganda they use to advance their political agendas. Telegram allows peer-to-peer messaging and the creation of “channels” that allow users to reach a large number of subscribers simultaneously. While its relatively small number of subscribers may lead some analysts to dismiss the platform as benign, it provides a megaphone for users who would be – or already have been - banned from other platforms for messaging deemed, rightly or wrongly, to be harmful. From Islamic or Western far-right extremists to freedom fighting protesters in Belarus, Telegram is known for its strict privacy standards and independence from government control, even in authoritarian-led countries like Russia and Belarus. While the platform has only 500 million monthly active users in comparison to WhatsApp’s 2 billion, Telegram has earned a distinct reputation. Telegram is a cloud-based instant-messaging service founded by Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov. As social media giants like Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter try to oust extremists, and web-hosting services toss some of the biggest propaganda purveyors like Parler, the quickly growing Telegram platform is becoming an alternative hub for disinformation.

What is a telegram app